Living godly in an ungodly world: Not a Novice
June 14, 2020

Living godly in an ungodly world: Not a Novice

Bible Text: 1 Timothy 3: 6-7 | Pastor: Pastor Brad McGuire | Series: 1 Timothy, Character Qualities of a Pastor, christian training, discipleship, Qualifications for a pastor, roles in the church, spiritual growth, testimony, the gospel | This Sunday Pastor Brad McGuire continued his sermon series with “Living godly in an ungodly world: Not a Novice”.

Timothy 3:6-7- Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil.  Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. 

Pastor Brad encouraged us to get training through discipleship, so that we could have a testimony that glorifies God and draws the lost to Christ.  There is a link to the sermon notes, and the church bulletin below.


June 28th we will be meeting at the Clinton Community Center GYM at 10 am for worship service.  The address is 1004 E. Sedalia Ave. Clinton, MO 64735.  We will continue meeting at the Heartland Community Theatre the following Sunday, and through the month of July.


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